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PrEP Awareness Week

PrEP Awareness Week

Did you know this week is PrEP awareness week?

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a highly effective medicine used to prevent HIV.  PrEP is for people who do not have HIV but are at risk of getting HIV. This includes people who are sexually active, do not use condoms regularly, have sex partners with unknown HIV status, and who had a sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the past 6 months. PrEP is also for people who share needles or other drug injection equipment. PrEP does not protect against pregnancies or other STDs. Jordan Health is raising awareness of the importance of HIV prevention and safe sexual health practices in the community.


Jordan Health is now offering a long-acting injectable PrEP in-house. 

Jordan offers two kinds of PrEP, daily pills or a shot every two months. Both forms of PrEP are highly effective. Now patients have access to both forms of PrEP and may select either based on their preferences. This will increase adherence and improve HIV prevention, which is beneficial for our community.

The Pills.

It is important to take one pill, every day for the medicine to work. Follow-up in clinic visits every 3 months for prescription refills and lab checks. Talk to a provider if PrEP is a good option.

The Shot.

The shot (also known as Apretude) is given every other month after 2 loading doses,1 month apart. It is convenient because there is no need to remember to take daily pills or keep track of them every day.

The shot is expensive, but the insurance companies may cover it with $0 copay. Even without insurance, our PrEP coordinator can help find programs that may cover the cost. Because we have the medicine “in-house”, ready and available, some patients may even receive the shot on the same day as their initial appointment, although it is not guaranteed.


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