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New At Jordan

New At Jordan

Jordan Health is now offering a new Transitions Clinic, a unique wellness initiative that specializes in serving men and women who are 18 years and older and are involved in the criminal legal system. This includes those who have been recently released from jail or prison and are looking to regain their footing in society.


Our mission is to provide comprehensive and holistic support to our clients. We aim to assist our clients in navigating their transition back into society, and we do this through a variety of services.

Community Health Assistance

At the heart of our services is the provision of a Community Health Worker. This professional is always available to help guide our clients through their health journey. They provide support in understanding and managing health conditions, as well as coordinating with healthcare providers.

Primary Care Services

Having access to a primary care physician is crucial. We provide a Primary Care Physician (PCP) who is available to write prescriptions and provide referrals where needed.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Substance use disorder is a common issue among individuals involved in the criminal legal system. Jordan Health provides substance use disorder treatment, offering a variety of therapies and medication management strategies to help our clients overcome their addictions.

Bus Passes and Health Insurance Assistance

We understand the financial challenges that can come with reentry into society. To ease these burdens, we provide bus passes for transportation needs. Additionally, if a client does not have health insurance, we will help link them to services that can provide them with the coverage they need.


For more information about the Transitions Clinic and the services we offer, or to schedule an appointment, please call Diane S. Morse, MD at (585) 423-2884 or email us at


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